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List of Publications:
[IJ 26] Probal Dutta, Kanishka Sarkar, and Ardhendu Mandal, Segmentation of Breast Tumor from Mammographic Images Using Histogram Peak Slicing Threshold, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(1), 85-92, 2016.[Download]
[IJ 25] Kanishka Sarkar, Ardhendu Mandal and Rakesh Kumar Mandal, Histogram Peak Normalization Based Threshold to Detect Brain Tumor from T1 Weighted MRI, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(1), 16-24, 2016.[Download]
[IJ 24] Debasmita Saha, and Ardhendu Mandal, Design and performance evaluation of Advanced Priority Based Dynamic Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm (APBDRR), International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(1), 78-84, 2016.[Download]
[NC 23] Kanishka Sarkar, Ardhendu Mandal and Rakesh Kumar Mandal, Brain Tumor Detection from T1 Weighted MRI Using Histogram Peak Difference Threshold, Proc. of National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science and Application (NCRTCSA-2015) held on Nov. 07, 2015 at Siliguri Institute of Technology, Siliguri, 32-37, 2015.[Download]
[IJ 22] Ardhendu Mandal and S. C. Pal, Identifying the Reasons for Software Project Failure and Some of their Proposed Remedial through BRIDGE Process Models, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), 3(1), pp.118-126, 2015.[Download]
[IJ 21] Subhro Sarkar, Ardhendu Mandal, Comparison of Some Classical Edge Detection Techniques with their
Suitability Analysis for Medical Images Processing, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), 3(1), pp.81-87, 2015.[Download]
[IJ 20] Debasmita Saha, Ardhendu Mandal and S. C. Pal, User Interface Design Issues for Easy and Efficient Human Computer Interaction: An Explanatory Approach, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), 3(1), pp.127-135, 2015.[Download]
[NC 19] Soumendra Nath Lahiri, Supratim Dawn, Rakesh Kumar Mandal, and Ardhendu Mandal, Steganography based on Image Border Manipulation Technique (IBMT), Proc. of the National Conference on Computational Technologies-2015 (NCCT'15), pp. 231-236, 2015.[Download]
[IJ 18] Ardhendu Mandal and S. C. Pal, Achieving Agility through BRIDGE Process Model: An Approach to Combine the Agile and the Disciplined Software Development, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, A NASA JOURNAL, Published by Springer,11(1), pp. 1-7, DOI:10.1007/s11334-014-0239-x, 2014
[IJ 17] Ardhendu Mandal and S. C. Pal, A comparative analysis of BRIDGE and some other well known software development process models. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET) 5(3), 196-202, 2014.[Download]
[IJ 16] Jayanta Dutta Ardhendu Mandal and S. C. Pal, A Probabilistic Interval Division Method for Solving Nonlinear Equations, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), 3(8), 304-310, August 2013 [Download]
[IJ 15] Amit Ghosh Roy and Ardhendu Mandal, RDAT: A tool for DNA Analysis, Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences: Technology and Society (ISSN: 0976-1861), IV(1), pp. 55-61, May, 2013. [pdf]
[IJ 14] Ardhendu Mandal and S. C. Pal, Investigating and analyzing the desired characteristics of software development lifecycle (SDLC) models., International Journal of Software Engineering Research & Practices(IJSERP)., 2(4), pp. 9-15, 2012.[Download]
[NW 13] Mandal Ardhendu, GPGPU Computing: Utilizing the GPU of a Computer as General Computational Purpose, Workshop on Application of Information Technology in the Modern Civilization, St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling, 15th May, 2013.[pdf]
[IJ 12] Mandal Ardhendu, Dutta Jayanta and Pal S.C., A New Efficient Technique to Construct a Minimum Spanning Tree, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), 2(10), 93-97, October 2012. [Download]
[NW 11] Mandal Ardhendu, Drivers for Processor Evolution: From Singlecore Towards Multicore, Research Scholars' Workshop on Computer Science and Application (RSWCSA-2012), Salesian College-Siliguri Campus, Organised by CSI, Siliguri Chapter and Salesian College, Siliguri, 2012.[pdf]
[NW 10] Mandal Ardhendu, Sruti Saha, Sudip Shaw, Arkadeep Ukil, An Approach for Image Based Steganography and Cryptography Technique, Research Scholars' Workshop on Computer Science and Application (RSWCSA-2012), Salesian College-Siliguri Campus, Organised by CSI, Siliguri Chapter and Salesian College, Siliguri, 2012[pdf]
[NS 9] Mandal Ardhendu, Pal S. C., Role of Fuzzy Logic in Computing, UGC-National Seminar on Advances in Mathematics-2012, Department of Mathematics, University of North Bengal, India, 2012. [pdf]
[NS 8] Mandal Ardhendu, Pal S. C., Fuzzy Logic and Its Industrial Application, NSAMGT-2012, Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani, India, 2012.[pdf]
[IJ 7] Ardhendu Mandal, S. C. Pal, Emergence of Component Based Software engineering, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), 2(3), pp. 311-315, 2012.[Download]
[SS 6] Mandal Ardhendu, Mandal Kumar Rakesh, Use of e-Resources in Education and Research, In the proceeding of UGC (ERO) Sponsored State Level Seminar on Promoting NMEICT-INFLIBNET e-Resources in North Bengal & Sikkim, 25th Feb, 2011. [pdf]
[NC 5] Ardhendu Mandal, SRS BUILDER 1.0: An Upper Type CASE Tool for Requirement Specification, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference; INDIACom-2010, Computing for National Development, February 25-26, 2010, New Delhi. [Download]
[IC 4]Ardhendu Mandal and Subhas Chandra Pal, An empirical study and analysis of the dynamic load balancing techniques used in parallel computing systems, Proc. of International conference ICCS-2010 held on Nov.19-20, 2010 at Burdwan University, 313-318.[pdf]
[NC 3] Sarkar Tamal, Das Chandra Samir, Mandal Ardhendu, A Study of Computer-Based Simulations for Nano-Systems and their types. Proc. of NATCOM NAMTECH-2009, Lucknow University, India, 2009.[pdf]
[IC 2] Ardhendu Mandal, BRIDGE: A model for Modern Software Development Process to cater the present Software Crisis, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2009), Patiala, India, March 2009, 494-500 . Also available at IEEE Xplore DOI: 10.1109/IADCC.2009.4809259.[Download]
[NTPC 1] Mandal Ardhendu, Operating System as Process Manager, National Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition-2005, SVICS-Kadi, 2005.[pdf]
N.B. :
IJ: International Journal,     NJ: National Journal,     IC: International Conference,     NC: National Conference,   
IW: International Workshop,     NW: National Workshop,     IS: International Seminar,     NS: National Seminar,    
NLTPC: National Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition
Short Term Course/workhop/Seminat/Trainning Programme Participated:
1. Embedded System Technology, IIT Kharagpur (25th -30th June, 2007).
2. Selected Topics in Software Engineering, IIT Khaagpur (23rd -28th November, 2008).
3. Bioinformatics in Genomics and Proteomics, IIT Kharagpur (26th -27th Septeember, 2008)
4. Refresher Course on Computer Applications, Kalyani University (8th -28th January, 2008).
5. High Performance Computer Architecture, IIT Kharagpur (11th -16th July, 2009)
6. Workshop on Bioinformatics, NBU (12th to 14th February, 2009).
7. Orientation Programme, ASC-NBU (07/04/10-04/05/10)
8. User Awareness Program on Access to E-resources under N-LIST Programme, NBU (10th February, 2012)
9. 16th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC-2009), 16th -19th December, 2009.
10. Workshop on Computing and Informatics, NBU 2010.
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